Remain Creative - The Pandemic Project

Messages of optimism and creativity as a way out during the particularly difficult period of the coronavirus pandemic.



The project #stay_home, #stay_safe, #remain_creative is an initiative by Graphic Stories Cyprus, in collaboration with Worldwide Graphic Designers. Through this project, the designers aim to promote an optimistic social message about the pandemic of Covid-19, Coronavirus, which has affected all countries of the world.
A common message of optimism and the promotion of creativity as a way out during the particularly difficult period of the coronavirus pandemic are sent by visual communication designers from all over the world, each speaking in his own language or visualizing his thoughts in the project #stay_home, #stay_safe, #remain_creative.
A total of 33 designers from 21 countries participate from their personal shelter, from their home, through the joint video of the project #stay_home, #stay_safe, #remain_creative and in their own way emphasize the need to follow the travel restraint instructions and simultaneously channeling energy into creative projects.

Participating Countries

Austria, Egypt, Denmark, Ecuador, Greece, UAE, United Kingdom, Japan, Indonesia, Iran, Spain, Italy, China, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Hungary, Ukraine, Portugal, Russia, Serbia.



Remain Creative - The Pandemic Project

Messages of optimism and creativity as a way out during the particularly difficult period of the coronavirus pandemic.



The project #stay_home, #stay_safe, #remain_creative is an initiative by Graphic Stories Cyprus, in collaboration with Worldwide Graphic Designers. Through this project, the designers aim to promote an optimistic social message about the pandemic of Covid-19, Coronavirus, which has affected all countries of the world.
A common message of optimism and the promotion of creativity as a way out during the particularly difficult period of the coronavirus pandemic are sent by visual communication designers from all over the world, each speaking in his own language or visualizing his thoughts in the project #stay_home, #stay_safe, #remain_creative.
A total of 33 designers from 21 countries * participate from their personal shelter, from their home, through the joint video of the project #stay_home, #stay_safe, #remain_creative and in their own way emphasize the need to follow the travel restraint instructions and simultaneously channeling energy into creative projects.

Participating Countries

Austria, Egypt, Denmark, Ecuador, Greece, UAE, United Kingdom, Japan, Indonesia, Iran, Spain, Italy, China, Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Mexico, Hungary, Ukraine, Portugal, Russia, Serbia.
