Graphic Stories 07

Break Down the Walls

“Break Down the Walls”, the 7th International Conference on Graphic Design & Visual Communication, Graphic Stories, was held with great success in Nicosia on 21-23 May 2021. In the aftermath of the 6th conference in 2020, immediately afterwards, we all embarked on an adventure of confinement and self-restraint. Now a year later, we broke down the walls with the first live event in Cyprus, that we hope will mark the beginning of the end for this adventure!

The Conference included six [6] lectures, five [5] creative workshops, a film with international distinctions, an interactive installation, and an International Poster Exhibition accompanied by an award ceremony of the 5th International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories. The exhibition featured designers from Cyprus and abroad with an award ceremony of the poster winners and a display of the fifty [50] distinguished poster participations.


Publisher: Graphic Stories Cyprus
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number of pages: 204
Dimensions: 190x230mm
Publication date: 2021
ISBN: 978-9925-7536-3-5
SKU: B007_2021
